23 - 24 APRIL 2012 NH Laguna Palace Hotel, Mestre-Venice, Italy
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Bioplastic Packaging in the UK Recycling Infrastructure Marcel Arsand, Project Manager, WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) - UK The collection and recycling of plastic packaging in the UK is increasing; however, the latest data estimated that the recovery of plastic bottles was just under 50%. When considering the recovery of non-bottle rigid plastic and film plastic, the percentage is even smaller. The introduction of bioplastic packaging in the market should be done in a way which can demonstrate overall benefits, otherwise it can have a detrimental impact in the current recycling infrastructure. A summary of the strategy for the waste collection at the London 2012 Games will also be presented. The Role of Biopolymers in Organics Recovery and Recycling in Italy Massimo Centemero, Technical Director, CIC - ITALY Separate collection of biowaste is well developed in Italy and growing continuously. More than 3,7 million tons/year of biowaste are separately collected and recycled in Composting or AD-plants and represent 35% of all MSW recycled. Separate collection of foodwaste exceeds 2,1 million  tons and thus results as a major driver in diverting biowaste from landfill disposal. The Italian Composting Association is continuously monitoring since 2008 the quality of Biowaste collected and delivered to Italian composting plants. Following Italy’s recent ban on plastic shopping bags, introduced on January 1st 2011, CIC recently performed a detailed survey on the type of bags used for food waste collection; the survey covers municipalities and districts for about 4,5 million  inhabitants. Available data distinguish between plastic bags (in PE), compostable bags (in certified compostable plastic or paper) and degradable (fragmentable) polyethylene bags; the survey shows the percentage use of these bags in north-, central- and southern Italy in separately collected food waste.  Combining these data with waste-composition analysis results in a direct link between the quality of biowaste (in terms of compostable and non-compostable fractions) and the type of bags used for separate collection. Effectiveness of the recycling process is thus driven by the kind of bags distributed to the householders directly by waste authorities or by the supermarket chains. Biodegradable Packaging in Poland – Current Situation and Market Development Future Perspectives Greg Ganczewski, Polish Packaging Research & Development Centre, Packaging and Environment Department - POLAND Observing the development of global market of biodegradable packaging (according to EN 13432:2000 standard) one can notice substantial progress. At the end of life biodegradable packaging can collected with organic waste and industrially composted. In Poland there are still many barriers effectively preventing acceptance of such packaging by their users and end consumers. Despite this, many global companies producing biodegradable materials are still present on Polish market. Many Polish research institutions are actively implementing projects concerning biodegradable polymers and packaging. Project MARGEN “New generation of packaging materials made of polymers useful to organic recycling“ is a major example of such activities. Innovative Biopolymer Modifications for New Sustainable Packaging Systems Verena Jost, Department of Materials Development, Fraunhofer Institute, Process Engineering & Packaging IVV - GERMANY This presentation will demonstrate possibilities how different innovative and sustainable materials and processes can functionalise existing packaging materials not only in terms of barrier  improvement. in order to ensure the safety and quality of packed foods. New protein and carbohydrate based coating formulations as well as their necessary additivation will be presented. Application examples will complete this presentation. This session will address: Requirements to packaging materials for sensitive food Recent research activities regarding sustainable food packaging materials Barrier properties of protein and carbohydrate based coatings Additivation of biopolymer coatings for optimized barrier properties Enjoy an unique and interactive way to get the information you need! Choose which Interactive Poster sessions you want to hear from. Gather around each presenter for an unstructured discussion. Get more in-depth and propose questions you want answers on. This session is sure to get your mind flowing and your networking going with this interactive forum! Balancing Costs and Potential Benefits of Implementing Sustainability Initiatives Dr. Karlheinz Hausmann, Research and Technology Fellow with DuPont de Nemours International Sàrl - GERMANY In many cases Biopolymers, polymers based on renewable resources are chosen as the reduction of the CO2 footprint using this approach is very significant. However, this is not the only avenue of reaching CO2 reduction goals.   Other initiatives such as the use of recycled materials, or the ability to recycling as such or simply the approach of material reduction or redesign are applied in many developments. A variety of the subsequent approaches to implementing Sustainability initiatives in order to help our customers and customers' customers achieving their sustainability goals are addressed. This poster will demonstrate: Renewable Materials/Biopolymers in Packaging and Non-Packaging Applications Recycling Concepts Light-weighting and Product but also Process Redesign in order to achieve CO2 reduction goals Novel tools that help evaluate options for material reduction or structure changes. Bio-refinery for the Production of Ethylene Derivatives Mike Bruscino, Manager, Licensing, Scientific Design Company, Inc. - USA Fermentation technology is relatively uncomplicated and already present in, or easily transferred to, undeveloped areas of the world. Integrated chemical complexes for petroleum derived processes are common throughout the chemical industry. However the same types of complexes are not typical for processes derived from bio-renewable feedstocks. This poster will demonstrate: How such complexes can be used to produce ethanol-derived ethylene technologies. How a sugar cane mill producing sugar and ethanol will be integrated with an SD ethanol to EO plant. The dehydration plant will be designed to produce excess ethylene which will be used to produce downstream ethylene derivatives such as VCM or HDPE. How the EO produced from the ethanol will be used to produce ethanolamines. Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Specialty Waxes from Canola Oil Dr. Samuel M. Mugo, Assistant Professor (Chemistry), Grant MacEwan University - CANADA Waxes are long-chain hydrocarbon compounds with diverse applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The global market for waxes is expected to grow to $11.3 billion by 2015, with an increasing emphasis on renewable feedstocks and “green chemistry” as opposed to conventional petrochemical-based processes.  This poster will demonstrate: The Chemoenzymatic processes to produce varieties of high quality bio-waxes from common plant oils such as Canola and Camelina oils produced in Alberta. The cost effectiveness of plant lipases microparticles for viable catalysts for lipid transformation processes to bio- waxes. Target applications as lubricants, paints, cosmetics and food coatings. Conversion of Animal-Derived Waste Streams for Biopolyester Production Dr. Anna Salerno, Graz University of Technology, Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering - AUSTRIA Replacing petrol-based plastics by Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) combines exigent solutions of industrial waste disposal problems with breaking new ground for polymer industry. PHAs are bio-based, biocompatible and compostable, hence they feature characteristics desired by future-oriented polymer processing enterprises. The FP7-Project ANIMPOL elaborates a sound PHA production process starting from waste from animal processing industry and from the biodiesel production. Animal waste lipids are converted towards biodiesel by advanced methods. Saturated fractions that compromise the fuel properties of biodiesel are separated and microbially metabolized towards PHA. Sugarcane Based Polyethylene: Renewable Source PE Contributing to Reduce GHG Emissions Rodrigo Belloli, Marketing & Market Intelligence, Renewable Chemicals, Braskem S.A. - BRAZIL Brazil: Unique framework for green chemicals development Braskem: Sustainable development commitment Sugarcane based PE/PP: Innovation based on sustainable pillars Green PE success cases: Key factor to leverage environmental benefits and to enhance communication Testing and Certification of Biopolymers: Challenges and New Developments Bruno De Wilde, Laboratory Manager, Organic Waste Systems (OWS) - BELGIUM This presentation will deal with different aspects playing a considerable role in the first step of certification: performing the necessary and correct tests. Aspects like concentration of the individual components, possible variations in composition, but also the use of masterbatches and inks, the value of certification schemes, bylaws and positive lists and the interpretation of the different norms will be discussed. Some suggestions will be formulated how to further improve the system and make it more efficient and cost-effective. Theory will be matched with the practice as lately questions have arisen whether ASTM and other international standards on compostability sufficiently reflect the actual conditions of real- life composting plants. These questions increased after some certified compostable bioplastics failed to meet the expectations of some composting plant managers. APINAT®: The World’s Leading Soft Biodegradable Bioplastic Dr. Marco Meneghetti, Laboratory & Bioplastics Product Manager, API (Applicazioni Plastiche Industriali) Spa - Vicenza - ITALY Apinat is a family of soft and rigid bioplastics made by API Spa. Apinat is recyclable and biodegradable under aerobic conditions in accordance with EN 13432, EN 14995 and ASTM D6400 norms. Its flexibility and softness make it unique in comparison with other bioplastics available on the market. Apilon 52 BIO is the other bioplastic developed by Api: it is a TPU bio-based bioplastic with the same quality and processability of traditional oil-based TPU. During Biopolymer World Congress, Api will present three interesting applications: a soft biodegradable iPhone case, biodegradable wrapping film and a “biobased” inline skate.          Sit at one of our Round Tables for a lunch discussion on the topic of your choice. Propose questions and give feedback to your fellow peers. Don’t feel like talking? Just sit back and enjoy the hot topical debate! Some topics may include: Second Generation Biomass Feedstocks Flexible Packaging Options The Effects of Bioplastics on the Environment Bioplastics for Durables Drop-In Bioplastics Market Drivers: Consumer Acceptance and Value Proposition to the Customer Biobased Products Versus Petro Alternatives: The Challenges and Drivers for Success Biomaterials Implementation in Ford Motor Company Vehicles - Their Drivers and Challenges Maira Magnani, Advanced Materials & Processes, Ford Research & Advanced Engineering Europe -  GERMANY Ford Motor Company's vision is to deliver great products, a strong business and a better world by providing outstanding automotive products and services that improve people’s lives while doing the right thing for the customers, the people, the environment and the society. Substituting non-renewable materials through bio-based materials such as soybean foams, natural fiber (e.g. wheat straw, kenaf) as polymer reinforcement is an effective contribution to the design of environmental responsible personal transportation. Bio-based materials are already used in FMC vehicles. Research and development teams are working to solve technical and commercial issues in order to enable the number of components and programs, where renewables can be applied. BASF’s Biodegradable and Renewable Polymers Dr. Carsten Sinkel, Advanced Materials & Systems Research – Biopolymers, BASF - GERMANY Manmade plastics amount to an annual world production of roughly 250 million metric tons. Biopolymers – biobased and/or biodegradable polymers - are an alternative to conventional polymers if they possess a better life-cycle assessment and/or improved properties. For certain applications (e.g. food packaging) biodegradability can be such a new functional property. Today the production capacity for biopolymers is still below 1 million metric tons annually, but strongly growing. Significant investments in large scale production plants are the most visible sign for the dynamic growth of biodegradable and biobased polymers. Ecoflex F®, the aliphatic-aromatic BASF polyester, is made from terephthalic acid, butanediol and adipic acid. The application range is very broad: from film applications like organic waste bags, shopping bags or agricultural mulch films to coated paper board and stiff foamed packaging. Especially the combination of paper and Ecovio® opens up new opportunities in packaging. Thailand’s National Bioplastics Roadmap Dr. Wantanee Chongkum, Director of Innovation Culture Promotion Department, Thailand’s National Innovation Agency - THAILAND Thailand  has tremendous potential as the nation benefits from a number of comparative advantages to establish  bioplastics industry as the New Wave Industry according to  abundant raw materials, in particular  cassava and sugar cane, which can be used as feedstock for bioplastics production. In addition, Thailand already has well established quite the whole supply as the world class lactic acid production.  Accordingly, the “National Roadmap for the Development of the Bioplastics Industry”  was drawn up and subsequently approved and assigned Thailand’s National Innovation Agency (NIA) to manage by the Thai Cabinet in July 2008. The proposed budget of 1.8 billion Baht (€ 41 million or US$ 60 million) to implement this National Roadmap has been endorsed by the Cabinet in the first phase (2008-2012) with the four core strategies following:   creating sufficient supply of agricultural raw materials as bioplastics feedstock; developing new technologies by strong support the research and  development in bioplastics; supporting investment in new or innovative business in bioplastics; establishing a robust supportive infrastructure for the Thai bioplastics industry Italy’s Shopping Bag Legislation: The Beginning of a European Trend Stefano Facco, New Business Development Director, Novamont SpA - ITALY Nowadays we are facing a quite chaotic debate about the ideal solution for the incredible amount of shopping bags used by consumers today. Recycling, environmental impact,  reuse, littering and especially marine litter are some of the main keywords arising when this important topic is discussed. Some facts related to the use of such bags are quite impressive. In Italy, some 300 bags pro year pro capita are used, which corresponds roughly to 25% of the total European consumption, corresponding to 100 billion units. Most of these products are imported from countries like China, Indonesia or Thailand. The recycling quote (not to be compared with the collection quote) of post consumer shopping bags is below 1% on world wide level. This session will address: Italian legislation, the evolution Supermarkets, the switch to compostable Consumers, their reaction Composters, a new, welcomed product Closing Remarks This networking break will provide attendees a final opportunity to bid farewell to newly made or established friends, colleagues and partners before departure.
10:00 - 10:25 - PACKAGING 12:00 - 12:30 - CERTIFICATION 10:50 - 12:00 - INTERACTIVE POSTER SESSION 10:25 - 10:50 - PACKAGING 12:40 - 14:10 - NETWORKING LUNCH & ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION TOPICS 14:10 - 14:40 - END USER 15:20 - 15:50 - PRODUCER 15:00 - 15:20 - RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 16:00 - 16:30 - FAREWELL NETWORKING BREAK
PROGRAMME: TUESDAY 24 APRIL The Biopolymer World Congress 2012 is a great opportunity for everyone involved in the biopolymer industry to seek out ways to better lead their organisation's learning and networking efforts. Join one of the largest gatherings of biopolymer professionals from Europe and the rest of the globe. For more information on speakers, visit our speakers page here. Click on the navigation bar below to view the programme on additional days.
Sunday 22 April Sunday 22 April Monday 23 April Monday 23 April Tuesday 24 April Tuesday 24 April 9:30 - 10:00 - END OF LIFE OPTIONS 9:00 - 9:30 - END OF LIFE OPTIONS/POLICY 14:40 - 15:00 - PRODUCER 12:30 - 12:40 - PRODUCER 15:50 - 16:00 Tuesday 24 April Tuesday 24 April